Mike Okun Recognized as Legal Elite in Employment Law

In June of last year, Business North Carolina magazine asked over 23,000 lawyers in the North Carolina Bar to select the state's top lawyer in various fields. In its January 2016 edition, the magazine recognized Patterson Harkavy attorney Mike Okun as the top vote-getter in the field of Employment Law.

Mike represents unions and individuals with labor and employment problems. He has represented local unions affiliated with more than two dozen international unions, as well as the internationals, in hundreds of arbitrations, NLRB proceedings, contract negotiations, and related matters across North Carolina, as well as in South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia , West Virginia, and Maryland. He has successfully argued cases in the state Supreme Court and the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Eleventh Circuits.

He serves as general counsel to the North Carolina State AFL-CIO, and as Special Counsel to the Board of the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians, the organization of musicians from the 50 largest orchestras in the United States.

Business North Carolina has been recognizing the top business attorneys since 2002, choosing honorees by a popular vote of North Carolina attorneys. Attorneys could not vote for themselves, and could only vote for a member of their firm if they also voted for an attorney outside their firm in the same category. In 2010, the magazine recognized Patterson Harkavy attorney Jon Harkavy as the state's top vote-getter in the field of Employment Law.

Read Mike's full interview here.