Unemployment Extension Finally Passed Over Republican Filibuster

Senate Democrats, with the help of only two Republicans, were finally available to break the deadlock over the extension of unemployment benefits. President Obama signed the bill this past Thursday. This bill provides a continuation of the program of extended benefits for those who exhaust the standard 26 weeks of unemployment benefits.

Although this bill is only a small part of the jobs-boosting agenda Congress needs to have, it was still vital for millions of unemployed having great difficulty finding a job in this broken economy. For an example, see here. Although there appears to be too much opposition for additional action on jobs right now, one hopes both parties will come to their senses and realize that the federal government can and must do much more to create sustainable employment growth.

For those seeking benefits, see this note from the North Carolina Employment Security Commission: "On July 22, 2010, the extension of the Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC08) program was signed into law. The new law extends the filing deadline, but it does not provide for additional EUC08 tiers. The ESC is working with the Department of Labor to implement this change as quickly as possible. If you are currently filing for benefits please continue to do so. If you are not currently filing for benefits our agency will notify you on how to reinstate your claim."